
The importance of shaking things up.

Great writer; great post. I definitely find it easy to get stuck in a rut. Routine is comforting. But I often dream of being a different me. I get bored easily. And I do feel invigorated when I step out of my comfort zone. Check out Rosanna’s thoughts on shaking things up a bit…

Rosanna Leo

As my husband and I enter our twentieth year of marriage (yes, I was a child bride), we’ve noticed we both feel a great need to shake up our routines. It’s so easy to get caught in a rut, especially as we become older and set in our ways.

I will admit, of the two of us, my husband Doug is better at mixing things up. He’s constantly looking for a new road to drive or a new hobby to enjoy. He recently purchased himself a Kitchen-Aid mixer and has been having a blast cooking new recipes for the family.

I, on the other hand, have grown more comfortable with my routine and I know Doug sometimes shakes his head at me. However, being a writer, I find I’m quite cozy within my four walls, dreaming up adventures for other people.

But has this been at the expense of my…

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